
How the US government gets foreign governments to do what it wants

[An insighful excerpt of an article by Paul Craig Roberts, who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration]

Back during the Nixon years, my Ph.D. dissertation chairman, Warren Nutter, was Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs. One day in his Pentagon office I asked him how the US government got foreign governments to do what the US wanted.

"Money," he replied.

"You mean foreign aid?" I asked.

"No," he replied, "we just buy the leaders with money."

Nutter did not mean merely third world potentates were bought. He meant the leaders of England, France, Germany, Italy, all the allies everywhere were bought and paid for.

The American-educated thug, Saakashkvili the president of Georgia, was installed by the US taxpayer funded National Endowment for Democracy, a neocon operation whose purpose is to ring Russia with US military bases, so that America can exert hegemony over Russia.

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