
Literacy Dilemma in the English-speaking world

English is a global language, spoken by at least 1.3 billion people. And some also read English. But how well?

Amazingly, Bob C. Cleckler, claims from his research that there are more than 90 million functional illiterates in the U.S. alone, which amounts to a shocking 47% or more of U.S. adults.

Furthermore, the worldwide solution application as proposed by the author of Let's End Our Literacy Crisis
(1) has been recommended for more than two centuries by dozens of scholars.
(2) has been implemented in several nations smaller and larger than the U.S.,in both advanced and developing nations;
(3) has been proven effective by the founder of Laubach Literacy International (who taught adult illiterates in 300 languages, 98% of which--295 languages, his students became fluent readers of in less than three months)
(4) all reasonable objections to this approach have been debunked by Thomas Lounsbury, LL.D., L.H.D., emeritus professor of English, Yale University


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