
Millennium Goals 7 & 8: On track?

Goal 7 Ensure environmental sustainability
Most countries have committed to the principles of sustainable development. But this has not resulted in sufficient progress to reverse the loss of the world’s environmental resources. Access to safe drinking water has increased, but half the developing world still lack toilets or other forms of basic sanitation. Nearly 1 billion people live in urban slums because the growth of the urban population is outpacing improvements in housing and the availability of productive jobs.

Goal 8 Develop a global partnership for development
The United Nations Millennium Declaration represents a global social compact: developing countries ensuring their own development, with developed countries supporting them through aid, debt relief and better opportunities for trade. To achieve the Millennium Development Goals, increased aid and debt relief must be accompanied by further opening of trade, accelerated transfer of technology and improved employment opportunities for the growing ranks of young people in the developing world.

[Source: The Millennium Development Goals Report – 2005]

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