
How profitable is the War on Terror?

Enjoying massive salary increase, the country's top 34 corporate CEOs combined have earned almost $1 billion since the September 11 attacks.

This would have been enough money to employ and support more than 1 million Iraqis for a year to rebuild their country.

The average compensation for defense executives doubled from US$3.6 million to $7.2 million.

In 2005 alone, defense industry CEOs garnered 44 times more pay than military generals with 20 years experience, and 308 times more than army privates, the brave folsk on the front lines.

An average construction worker would have to work 4,279 years to equal what the highest paid CEO collected last year.

Full article

Oh did we mention that Halliburton alone posted an increase of 379% since Bush-Cheny took office in 2000?

And did you know that Hallibuton has gotten more than $15 Billion in contracts since 2001? --How much is $15 Billion? Someone attempting to spend $15 Billion would need to spend 1 million dollars every day for 40 years, and would still have 400 million in pocket change left over!

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