
Where Cold War II is heading

Recognizing that the US had no intention of keeping any of the agreements Reagan had made with Gorbachev, Putin directed the Russian military budget to upgrading the Russian nuclear deterrent.

When the Russian army went into Georgia to rescue the Russians in South Ossetia from the destruction being inflicted upon them by Saakashvili, the Russians made it clear that if they were opposed by American troops with smart weapons, they would deal with the threat with tactical nuclear weapons.

The Americans were the first to announce preemptive nuclear attack as their permissible war doctrine. Now the Russians have announced the tactical use of nuclear weapons as their response to American smart weapons.

It is obvious that American foreign policy, with its goal of ringing Russia with US military bases, is leading directly to nuclear war. Every American needs to realize this fact. The US government's insane hegemonic foreign policy is a direct threat to life on the planet.

In order to keep the billions of dollars in profits flowing to its contributors in the US military-security complex, the Bush administration has rekindled the cold war. As American living standards decline and the prospects for university graduates deteriorate, "our" leaders in Washington commit us to a hundred years of war.

[Excerpt of an article by Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration]

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