
Fund-raising efforts for Chile slow

The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports that donations are trickling in for survivors of the massive earthquake in Chile—but at significantly lower levels than after the January 12 earthquake in Haiti.

The slow pace of donations is largely because the government of Chile is in a better position to deal with the destruction than the impoverished country of Haiti, said a spokeswoman from Oxfam America.

The fact that the Chilean quake happened over the weekend is also a factor in giving, according to a spokeswoman from World Vision U.S.

The Chilean government requested assistance from the United Nations, but not from international humanitarian groups.

Mercy Corps began accepting donations on behalf of Chilean relief groups Monday morning, but is “very much in a wait-and-see mode,” said Caitlin Carlson, a spokeswoman for Mercy Corps.

The American Red Cross pledged up to $50,000 from its International Relief Fund to the Chilean Red Cross—if it requests such assistance. The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies gave an additional amount of roughly $279,000.

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